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Organic traffic before and after optimizing LocalBusiness schema
Organic traffic before and after optimizing LocalBusiness schema

Local Business Schema Optimization Guide

A local business schema is a type of schema markup that provides structured data about a particular physical business or branch of an organization.

By implementing local business schema markup on a website, businesses can provide search engines with clear and consistent information about their business.

This can help search engines display accurate and relevant information and increase the business's visibility to potential customers in the local area.

LocalBusiness schema provides several benefits, including improved search engine visibility, increased click-through rates, consistent information, better customer experience, and a competitive advantage over larger, national brands.

By implementing a high quality and semantic local business schema, businesses can improve their online presence, attract more customers in their local area, and make informed decisions about whether to visit or contact the business.

Here is how to Improve your local business schema for better performance: