A local business before and after deploying linked schemas using SCHEMANTRA.
No added content, almost 100% increase in clicks and 200% increase in impressions. Check out our SEO Case Study

before and after semantic SEO comparasion

Hi, my name is Ashraf (Ash) and I am the founder of Schemantra and the author of its blog. My expertise lies in designing and implementing semantic structured data for the web. I take great pride in the unique tool that I have developed, which is the only one of its kind that i know available for free on the web. I welcome the opportunity to discuss your project

Schemantra Design Idea - Context and Relationships

As a former full-time data analyst of the real estate sector in Dubai, I utilized JSON-LD as the primary source for data representation, storage, retrieval, analysis and visualization

The concept of Schemantra arose from my experience working with clients on a side project basis, utilizing relational schema.org vocabulary to describe their websites, defining the primary entity, on the page and creating an ontology to represent its relationships with other entities

Through this experience, I observed the significant impact that effective semantic data modeling can have on a company's organic traffic. This advantage allows companies to focus on the big picture which is the business itself, while those without this advantage may struggle to keep up

Semantic SEO Solution - Relational Structured Data

schema Visualization for Schemantra.com
Schema visualization for Schemantra.com

Every website on the web has to be crawled and indexed in order to be seen by the public on a daily basis. Every big website problem has a lot of little SEO problems in it. The little SEO problems have elements we see again and again

The solution I offer is focused on creating a standards-based, machine-readable data model across your website using schema.org JSON-LD. By providing meaning to your content and ensuring it answers the search intent of your target audience, through the construction of ontology and knowledge graphs that describe every entity on the website and its relationship with the primary entity you offer on each page

By relating entities together and linking with higher authority sources such as ProductOntology, GoodRelations and Wikidata, not only will you be able to describe them in the context of other entities, but you will also be able to provide up to 8 different meta titles and descriptions for each page, allowing you to tackle a large variant of target keywords, synonyms and related terms, ensuring that your content is easily crawled and indexed by search engines

Note: Its not the Magic Fit-for-All Solution

It's important to note that while utilizing semantic markups can enhance your website's SEO and increase its organic traffic, it does not negate the need to address existing SEO issues. Additionally, It's worth noting that markups alone will not improve the performance of low-quality or thin content. The impact of semantic markups can vary greatly, from a steady increase in organic traffic to a significant boost, or in some cases, no noticeable effect at all

Suggestion: Yes, You Can Do it Yourself!

As an SEO professional, I find it particularly rewarding to learn and implement strategies on my own. With this in mind, I developed Schemantra, a free schema generator and ontology builder. Schemantra can assist in creating schema markups and connecting them to describe relationships, enabling SEO professionals to take control of their website's semantic data modeling and improve their website's visibility on search engines

In addition to Schemantra, I have also created educational resources to assist in the design and implementation of semantic SEO on your website. To gain a comprehensive understanding of entities, their relationships, and how to describe them using schema markups

I recommend starting with this 20 min. long Schema Markup Crash Course. Once you have a solid understanding of how to create and link schema markups, you can dive deeper into by reading this article about How to optimize structured data for SEO

I also wrote some content about the following semantic SEO strategies:

Talk to Me

I trust that the information provided will be of assistance in your SEO journey. Should you have any technical queries, kindly post them in the semantic SEO forum and I will be happy to respond. Additionally, if you require professional assistance, or personal training please feel free to reach out to me at